This shirt was worn in North to Alaska.
The sizes below are a bit different than modern day shirt sizes but if you use your chest measurement to select the size based on this chart it will fit correctly. The length of sleeve and shirt body is very generous and few people ever need longer. If you are in doubt please use the Note Box to explain and I will contact you to discuss things and be sure you get the perfect fit.
The Length of the BIB on this shirt is 17″ just like the one Duke wore himself. It had 10 buttons on it.
If you are short, short waisted or if you wear period trousers with waistband that comes up to your belly button you may need a shorter bib so that it ends before your pant waist as it should not be tucked into the pants. To determine if you need a different bib length than the standard 17″ (as available option on the order page) you can check by measuring the length from about 1/2 to 3/4 inches below the collar band bottom down to where your trouser waist is. Select the proper bib length for the perfect fit.
In order to maintain the proper distance between the buttons we will only use 8 button on bibs shorter than 15. At 15″ bib length using 4 buttons per side will make the spacing a bit different than the true Duke one but it will be a good look alike acceptable to most people. Duke was tall and long upper bodied.
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